Our Clients

Built by Doctors for Doctors.

OMG Financial Services provides exclusive services to only the medical industry. Unlike other advisory firms we do not advise ‘non-medical’ clients. Our advisors and staff have extensive experience specialising in advising the medical profession from 1st year graduates to industry leading specialists.

We customise our service to meet and fit with every individual’s needs, whether it be for personal or professional financial affairs.

Medical Profession & Dentists

OMG Financial Services specialises only in the medical profession including Dentists. Our mission is to provide a personalised and customised service for all medical professionals Australia wide.

With high end surgeons and other medical professionals sitting on the Board of Directors, we are able to hear firsthand how and where you, as a Specialist, require further tailored assistance with financial and accounting matters. Not only can we help both your personal and professional life, we can also assist in all lifestyle matters too.

Doctors In Training

Are you newly graduated and about to commence life in the real world? You may only believe that your tax return is all you will require to be completed by a professional group like OMG. However, we believe that planning and managing the foundation to wealth creation is equally important at this stage of your career path.

We advise Interns and Residents on how to take full advantage of such benefits as Salary Packaging/Sacrificing, as well as helping you to evolve your career by providing forecasts of future earnings for a range of specialties.

To find out how OMG Financial Services can make your life easier please contact us today.